miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Pineapples and Fotos.

Have you ever given serious consideration as to how a pineapple comes into existence? Does it grow on a vine, tree, bush, underground, fall from the sky? I think if you were brutally honest with yourself you would admit that you just don't know.

Its a bush! You plant the top of a pineapple and it grows into a massive.....top of a pineapple.....and in the middle grows another....pineapple! I can't believe I have lived 25 years and just found out how pineapples grow a few months ago. Say pineapple a few more times.....doesn't make any sense.

Que lo que ha pasado, we had another Superman class and touched on the physical and mental benefits of exercise and how it can prevent various diseases. We also took a field trip to a local watering hole closer to Haiti. It was quite an awesome day. Sunday, Club Superman held a movie night at the library which brought in over 50 kids from town. We watched Tarzan, because all Disney movies are awesome. The boys are really getting into the Superman culture.

Garrett had our friend Dave come up and take some photos of our town with his fancy camera, so I forced him to take pictures of our Supermen! Enjoy these incredible photos:
Kachimbo (back) and Victor. True gentlemen.


Cholo trying to navigate the invisible magic labyrinth....don't ask 

Cholo doing the 'ol "can't fold a dollar bill 7 times" trick....nope still can't......

....but everyone was convinced that THEY were the chosen one.......

Going over our Super Rules for class

Finishing up class by coloring in Superman!

I am so stoked about how these photos turned out. Makes us look so much more fun than we are in reality :) Anyways, there are like 100 more photos but there has to be a limit.

In other news we went out to a few of the remote village schools and spoke to high school seniors about the importance of continuing their education no matter what obstacles lay ahead. For the kids here there are many, and a big one is becoming pregnant before you graduate high school. It can really throws a wrench in things. Doctor Ricardo addressed the issues while we played games and spoke about different career possibilities.

Whilst there, a member of the community approached us and requested we touch on a pretty serious topic of adolescent girls becoming pregnant and practicing abortions on themselves.....so there is that.....jumping on that bad boy next week.
Friday, we are going to a school in Valle Nuevo with Dr. Dolce and a small mobile clinic and to also speak about adequate nutrition and dental hygiene. Saturday, a diabetes specialist from Santiago is coming up to give a diabetes/hypertension seminar in Valle Nuevo through FIMRC. Our dance card is filling up. The greatest part is that people are just asking us (when i say us i usually mean Dr. Ricardo and me) to come and give these presentations, which means people are identifying needs in their community and seeking help. FIMRC what what!?

I will leave you guys with one last awesome photo of my boy Erinson. This is a candid shot but he truly looks like Superman!! About to kick someone's boo-tay. (which we do not condone in class :)


Peace out!

Seriously....done now.

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